Sunday, September 16, 2012

Time Again.....

A few of the students were talking yesterday morning as they waited for the 7:30 am Hot Yoga class to start. The conversation turned to time. The common theme was they just didn't have enough time to do everything they needed to do.  Hmmmm....sounds somewhat similar to my last blog.  I knew I wasn't alone with my dilemma.  But was it really a dilemma? 

If I back track to Buddhism 101, my world is not coming at me, but from me.  If I want to change my outside perception of my world, I first have to change the inside. So what was I doing in my life that caused me to have this lack of time perception?  I don't have a corporate type job to stress me, In fact teaching and running the studio doesn't feel like a job at all.  Another student came in yesterday and said she was glad it was Saturday and without thinking I responded "everyday is like a Saturday to me".  I feel that blessed to have this life. 

What can I do to change this perception?  First of all I did my best to stay focused on the task at hand, finish one thing first before going on to the next. It's like when you are working on the computer and before you know it you have 25 web pages open and don't remember what you were looking for in the first place.  Then I became more realistic with what I can actually fit in my day.  And that it's OK to say no once in a while.  If something that I though would take only a 1/2 hour ended up being a hour, so be it.  Accept it and move on. I haven't balanced my personal checkbook in 3 years and haven't bounced a check once. I check my balance on line to keep track. 

I meditated on patience.  I meditated on the attachment that we have on time.  How we think that if we aren't busy we aren't important or productive.  As my perception started to shift so did my week.  Time opened up where I thought there was none.  I still followed through with responsibilities and deadlines that I had (after all owning a yoga studio is still a business) but with a different frame of mind.  No one or nothing got left by the wayside.  In fact yesterday I  taught in the morning, met friends for lunch that were in from California, worked on advertising and promotions for the 3rd year anniversary celebration next month, went for a bike ride with my husband, chit chatted with the neighbor and still had "time" left over.

When I was thinking of taking my teacher training, I really felt that I didn't have enough time in my life to handle it.  My teacher, Michael Johnson told me that the more time we give away the more we will get back.  Crazy talk!!! But he was right....the time was there.  I just had to shift my perception. So give it a try.

Every time I sit down to blog I tell myself today is the day that I will write about a yoga pose and it just doesn't seem to happen. But I am open to any and all suggestions. Yoga is so much more about changing our inner world and everything else just seems to follow...and just breathe.

By the way tonight at our free meditation class, we will be learning how to use bio feed back techniques to reduce stress.  It is from 7 PM to 8 PM tonight.  The class is free but we do accept donations for local charities.

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