Sunday, December 23, 2012

Aloha Spirit....

Well we survived the end of the world, there is some snow on the ground so it seems more like Christmas, I am officially done with my shopping and the average current temperature in the Hawaiian Islands is around 70 degrees.  And you needed to know that why....?

One of the Santosha students is from this area but lives in Hawaii.  When ever she is in town to visit her family she comes here for classes.  She said that she is used to taking classes on the beach every day but we are the next best thing.

She was here for 12 days over the Thanksgiving holiday and it was a joy to catch up with her.  As she left the studio after her last class before heading back home, as she said goodbye she told me that Santosha Yoga has the Aloha Spirit.  I thanked her and wished her a safe trip back.  I had no idea what the Aloha Spirit was so through the miracle of the Internet, I googled it.  After reading up on it, I realized that she gave us a wonderful compliment.

First of all did you know that the word "aloha" means so much more than hello and goodbye?  I didn't either. In the Hawaiian language, the deeper meaning is "the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)." The joyful sharing of life energy in the present moment. My first thought was how yoga-ish that is. Being in the present moment. Being content (santosha) for the life that we have. Sharing that contentment, that positive energy with everyone around us.

As we share this aloha spirit we become attuned to the Universal Power that the Hawaiians call mana. And the loving use of this incredible Power is the secret for attaining true health, happiness, prosperity and success. To attain these wonderful gifts there is a secret, a simple but powerful secret. Are you ready? Bless everyone and everything that represents what you want! Karma!! I know right! So if you want something you first have to bless someone else to have it. The website The Aloha Spirit goes into much greater detail as to how this process works. They even talk about a breathing process that increases our personal energy which allows us to be in a better balance to bless others which in turn changes our life. Again back to our teachings in yoga.

I was sharing this with one of my students yesterday (Kyle) and we both agreed that isn't it amazing how the need for this spirit crosses over all cultures, religions, classes....we all want the same thing....happiness for ourselves and others.  

In the next week or so most of us will be seeing more of our family and friends than usual as we celebrate the holiday season which gives us even more of a opportunity to bless everyone and everything.  I am not saying we should walk around and wish everyone Aloha Spirit,we might be accused of dipping too much in the eggnog. But have the meaning and intention in your heart and watch the magic unfold.

Blessings to all of you this holiday season...and don't forget to breathe.

Namaste and Aloha 

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