This past Wednesday was the first day of a new class on our schedule, chair yoga. I have been wanting to offer the class at Santosha since we first opened the doors 4 years ago. We keep on preaching (sometimes I do get a little preachy) that yoga is for everyone and this type of class proves it even more so.
We purchased sturdy chairs (non-folding) that would be safe for the practice. Put the chairs on yoga mats in the room so they wouldn't slip along with bolsters, straps, blocks and blankets. All the "toys" were brought out to make sure everyone had what they needed.
Stacey, who is teaching the class, and I waited. We were very excited to have 8 students show up to the first class. There seemed to be an instant connection with the group and conversations between them started immediately. The students were of various ages, the youngest being 50. Their reasons for being there varied but not their need and desire for being healthier and taking better care of themselves. A few of the students were referred by one of our teachers who is also a physical therapist. They loved it.
I have heard a lot of buzz from our students about this class, my mom gets dizzy in down dog, my aunt has a hard time getting up and down off the floor. One sweet gal came in to ask questions about it, she is waiting for a heart transplant and her doctor suggested chair yoga in order for her to get stronger for the surgery, bless her heart indeed!
I have included an article about chair yoga from a news letter I received and thought it was a good one to share. In the article there are links you can go to for actual studies and research of the benefits of yoga.
Take a minute or two and think of who in your life might benefit from this type of class and give them a call. They may not even know that this kind of experience is available to them. If they don't believe me or the studies maybe they will believe Dr. Oz. He was teaching his studio audience the other day how to do ujjayi breath (yogic diaphragmatic breathing) and explaining all of the benefits. Yes even in chair yoga we practice the breath. So tell them the first step is just to take a few moments and just breath.