We have all head the song at New Year eve "Auld Lang Syne" which loosely translates into "for old times sake" or "days gone by". For a lot of us the New Year means making resolutions that will help make us happy, healthier people in the year to come by letting go of the past.
Our studio, as well as other yoga studio's, fitness centers, gyms, etc., get busier this time of year with everyone trying to follow through with their well meaning resolutions. But then life gets in the way, kids, jobs....you know the rest of the story.
So I am going to make a suggestion that you start from the inside out this year. You don't have to go anywhere or buy any equipment to make these changes happen. And you can practice them every waking hour and not even get a least bit tired. In fact you may find that these actually increase your energy.
But there is one thing you have to do before you start this journey. You need to buy the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miquel Ruiz . Don Miquel was born into a family of healers while being raised in rural Mexico. Distracted by modern life, Miguel chose to attend medical school and become a surgeon. A near death experience changed his life and he began an intensive practice of self-inquiry. After you get his book you have to read it.
That's it. You don't have to make it hard because it's not. Did I forget to mention that you have to follow the four agreements. I know, I know, there is always a catch.
I am going to briefly share the agreements with you really should read the book. Here they are:
1. Be impeccable with your words (speak with integrity and say what you mean).
2. Don't take anything personally (nothing others do or say is because of you).
3. Don't make assumptions (find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want).
4. Always do your best (your best will change from moment to moment).
They aren't hard to remember, simple and to the point but will take some getting used to. The first time I read the book, the four agreements reminded me of how my parents raised me to treat other people. Again going back to Karma!
So if you are going to make one change this new year that will be a permanent change in your life, try these 4 simple mantra's and of course don't forget to breath.....